Plenty of financial terms are still relatively unfamiliar to many viewers, even if they have lots of personal finance experience. They may have heard the term ‘EFT’ previously. This video should help customers get more facts on this financial concept. They’ll also learn more about how it relates to other important financial topics.
The narrator has valuable credentials and experience, and starts the video by sharing this information.
Readers and viewers today are often used to researching a particular source before they use it to make sure that the data and facts will be reliable. The video already gives them enough of a reason to believe that the information will be factual.
People will immediately learn what the ‘EFT’ abbreviation stands for, as well as the implications of an unlimited monthly EFT. These transfers have helped to make banking much more convenient for many customers today, which is why they are used so frequently.
Many people have had to wait for certain businesses to open at different hours, which can cause some delays. An EFT can help people avoid these circumstances. In the second half of the video, viewers will learn more about ERP systems as well, giving the short video a broader scope.
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